Shelby County Junior Fair Livestock Sales

Open to Junior Fair Exhibitors of Market Cattle, Feeder Calves, Market Hogs, Market Lambs, Market Rabbits, Market Goats, Meat Pens of Fryers and Broilers, and Dairy (Gallon of Milk Sale) in the current Fair. Exhibitors may sell a maximum of one animal. (A meat pen of rabbits and meat pen of chickens will be considered the same as one animal.) THE LIVESTOCK SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THE SHELBY COUNTY JUNIOR FAIR LIVESTOCK SALE COMMITTEE.


Shelby County Junior Fair – Livestock Sale Committee

NAME: The governing body of the Junior Fair Livestock Sale will be: SHELBY COUNTY JUNIOR FAIR – LIVESTOCK SALE COMMITTEE

FUNCTION: To organize, promote, and conduct all aspects of the sale of Shelby County Junior Fair market livestock.

RESPONSIBILITY: The Committee is directly responsible to the Shelby County Agricultural Society, reporting major recommendations to the Junior Fair Board and to the Society.

STANDING SUB-COMMITTEES: Standing sub-committee exhibitors have full sale privileges.

  • Market Cattle: Ten (10) persons representing the steer consignors, 5 adults and 5 youth
  • Swine: Ten (10) persons representing the swine consignors, 5 adults and 5 youth
  • Lamb: Eight (8) persons representing the lamb consignors, 4 adults and 4 youth
  • Rabbit: Ten (10) persons representing the rabbit consignors, 5 adults and 5 youth
  • Goat: Eight (8) persons representing the goat consignors, 4 adults and 4 youth
  • Chicken: Four (4) persons representing the chicken consignors, 2 adults and 2 youth
  • Dairy: Four (4) persons representing the dairy consignors, 2 adults and 2 youth


An annual meeting will be held the first Wednesday of September following the close of the fair. The time and location of the meeting will be decided by the Committee Chairman and the Treasurer. Consignors will be notified of the details of the meeting prior to the scheduled date.


  1. Presentation of reports concerning current sale.
  2. General topics of discussion relating to sale operation and business.
  3. Motion from the floor and voting on the proposals.
  4. Dispersal of gathering to sub-committee groups.
  5. Election of new committee members from sub-committee groups.
  6. Distribution of sale checks to consignors.
  7. Adjournment.


  1. Regular Meetings – Meetings will be called by the Chairman as necessary. A quorum of 10 members is required to conduct business. Proposals may be passed by a simple majority of the members present. The members will be notified of time and location of the meeting in writing.
  2. The first regular meeting of committee will be held not more than four weeks after the annual meeting.
  3. Any modifications of operating procedures or rules for each of the Sales Sub-Committees must be reported to, and approved by, the majority of the Sale Committee before that operation procedure or rule will take effect.


These rules may be amended as follows:

  1. The amendment will be presented at one meeting.
  2. The following meeting a 2/3 majority vote of the members present is necessary for passage. The quorum of 10 members present still applies. In the event of an amendment is proposed, all committee members will be notified in writing of the proposal on the next meeting’s agenda. Details of the proposal will be included in the notification.


  1. Membership to the Sale Committee is elected. A youth that exhibited in the previous year’s fair and plans to exhibit in the next year’s fair is eligible for election. Adults that are parents or guardians of eligible youth may be elected for the adult terms. The Sale Committee Treasurer is not required to be an elected member of the Sale Committee. A Treasurer may be appointed by the Chairman with a 2/3 majority of the elected Committee’s approval. If the Treasurer is not a Sale Committee member, this appointment shall be made by the first meeting of the newly organized Sale Committee, with approval no later than the second meeting. The procedure for election from subcommittee groups is at the discretion of the specie consignors and adults.
  2. The length of elected term is 3 years. One-third (1/3) of the members of a sub-committee will be elected each year at the annual meeting. Incomplete terms will be vacant until election of members at the next annual meeting.
  3. Officers of the Shelby County Junior Fair Livestock Sale Committee are:
    a. Chairman
    b. Vice-Chairman
    c. Treasurer
    d. Assistant Treasurer
    e. Secretary
    f. News Reporter
  4. Duties of the Officers:
    a. Chairman will conduct all Committee meetings, act as the spokesperson for the Committee, act as the official liaison to the Shelby County Agricultural Society and to the Shelby County Extension Office, and sign all expense and consignors payment checks.
    b. Vice-Chairman will assume the duties of the Chairman whenever it is necessary.
    c. Treasurer will transact all financial business of the Committee and co-sign all checks.
    d. Assistant Treasurer will assist the Treasurer with all financial business of the Committee.
    e. Secretary will take notes of all meetings.
    f. News Reporter will issue all releases to the local news media to keep the public informed of all facets of Committee activity.
  5. After the election of the officers a Finance Committee will be appointed by the Chairman, which will consist of the Chairman of each of the species standing sub-committees. The Finance Committee shall assist the Treasurer with all financial business of the Committee and management of the Sales.
  6. Criteria for establishment as a Standing Committee. (NOTE: The definition of a “Sale Unit’’ is one animal (Hog, Steer/Market Heifer, Lamb, Goat) or one pen of two animals (Rabbits, Chickens).
    a. There must be a minimum of 15 sale units showing in a market livestock class for five consecutive years.
    b. In the fourth year of exhibition of 15 or more animals in a market livestock class, the Grand and Reserve Grand
    Champion market sale units may sell.
    c. From the 6th year of exhibition of 15 or more sale units in a market class, and continuing on an annual basis,
    as long as there are 10 or more sale units in a market livestock class, the entire eligible class may sell in the
    regular sale.
    d. If in the 7th year or after, for any species, the number of sale units in a market class drops below 10, then that
    species will no longer sell in the sale.
    e. In the event a new Standing Committee is included, they will abide by all previously stated rules of the
    Committee and will conduct their part of the specie sale in accordance with accepted sale practices in effect at
    the time of their inclusion.


  1. The Livestock Sale will be conducted by the Shelby County Junior Fair Livestock Sale Committee.
  2. The Grand and Reserve Champion Steers/Market Heifers, Market Hogs, Market Lambs, Market Goats, Meat Pens of Rabbits and Meat Pen of Chickens must sell. Exhibitors of other animals of these species will have the option of selling. All market species will have the choice to (1) take animals through Jr. Fair Sale, (2) Block animal – be sold at market price or (3) take the animal home. This decision MUST be made at weigh in. In the event that an exhibitor should receive Grand Champion or Reserve Champion of a market specie, then the exhibitor may change their project designation. Intentions should be indicated by (1) Signing weight card or (2) Signing a buyer’s card for each consignment. If an exhibitor shows more than one champion, all champions may sell.
  3. All Exhibitors (or handlers) are to remain with their animals after the sale until they are loaded on the buyer’s trucks or they are excused by the Sale Committee representative in charge.
  4. The Exhibitor will stand the loss in the case of a condemned or devalued carcass.
  5. In order to sell, all animals must have been shown in a Junior Fair Livestock Class unless granted special permission by the Junior Fair Board.
  6. In the event that a market animal dies before the sale and the exhibitor does not have another market animal that has been shown in the Jr. Fair, the exhibitor will not participate in the livestock sale.
  7. In the event that a market animal dies after the sale, the exhibitor will receive the premium bid minus commission, but not the market value of the animal.
  8. Weight guidelines for sale – NO EXCEPTIONS
    Steers/Market Heifers: 850 lbs. minimum
    Rabbits: 3.5-6.5 lbs.
    Lambs: 90 lbs. minimum
    Hogs: 210-290 lbs.
    Goats: 50 lbs. minimum
    Chickens: 4-8 lbs. (only pens with both chickens weighing between 4-6 lbs. or 6-8 lbs. are eligible to sell)
    Ducks: 4.5-8 lbs.
  9. The Sale Committee will make deductions from each consignor’s check to cover Sale Expenses. Also, the Sale Committee will have the option on an annual basis to make sale deductions for Buyers’ Appreciation and a Building Fund. The Sale Committee may also invest the proceeds from the Sales in interest bearing accounts until that time that Sale consignors are paid. Such interest will be used to defray part of the Sale expenses.
  10. Exhibitors and their family members are barred from soliciting buyers in the arena while the sale is in progress.