Junior Fair Board Constitution and Bylaws
ARTICLE II – OBJECT: The object of this society shall be to promote and encourage agriculture, horticulture, production of quality livestock, science, technology, art and family, for the general community betterment, together with all industrial, commercial, and educational interest of young people of the county.
ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP: Every member of a 4-H Club, FFA Chapter and Girl Scout Troop of Shelby County may be a member of this society and shall be entitled to vote upon presentation of proof of exhibit in the current Shelby County Fair.
ARTICLE IV – BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of two members from each township, one boy and one girl. Section 2. The Directors shall be elected for a term of one or two years and so arranged that one-half of the members be elected each year. The Directors shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. Section 3. In case of death, resignation, removal from township or in case of ineligibility of a director to act as such the board may fill the vacancy by appointment, until the next annual election, when a member shall be elected for the unexpired term. A majority of the Executive Committee being necessary to make a choice. Section 4. Vacancies that still exist after a regular election will be filled with appointments by the Executive Committee. Applications will be accepted through August 2 after the fair. Selections will be made via interviews held at the Extension Office. Interview dates TBD. Section 5. To be elected as a member of the Board of Directors, the nominee must be entering at least the 9th grade in the fall of the year of the election, be an exhibitor in the current year’s Shelby County Junior Fair, and be eligible to exhibit in said Junior Fair for the duration of the term for which s/he is nominated.
ARTICLE V – ELECTION: Section 1. The annual election of directors should be by ballot held on the fairgrounds. Election will be held for at least eight hours during the current fair. Specific polling times and places will be determined by the Executive Committee. Section 2. Separate ballots and separate ballot boxes shall be provided for each township, and exhibitors shall be entitled to receive but one ballot, and that for the township of which s/he is a resident. Section 3. Ballots cannot be taken out of room for distribution or marking. The voter shall procure the ballots from the Election Committee and remain in the room for marking and voting. Any
information needed will be given by the committee members. The Election Committee will not accept any write-in candidates. Section 4. The annual election of the Society shall be conducted by the Election Committee who are members of the society and not candidates for election, appointed by the President. Section 5. Candidates for Directors of the Society must be a member of the Society. Nominations for Directors must be made in writing to the secretary by any organized Club, Chapter or Troop or a petition may be filed bearing the signatures of not less than fifteen (15) qualified residents of the candidate’s township. All nominations or petitions must be filed with the Extension Office no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Wednesday before the first day of the fair. Section 6. The Election Committee shall have the membership roll, verify the right of voters, and tally the count. Section 7. The terms of office of the retiring directors shall expire and that of the directors elected shall begin during the Annual Meeting of each year. Retiring directors may attend the annual meeting, and retiring officers will provide reports and conduct the meeting until the election of new officers. New directors will be entitled to vote throughout the meeting.
ARTICLE VI – ORGANIZATION & MEETINGS: Section 1. The Board of Directors will meet annually in December and elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and other such officers as it may deem proper to serve one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. A plurality vote of the members present shall elect. Section 2. All officers shall be elected from the membership of the Board. Section 3. If any member of the Board of Directors shall absent himself/herself from two consecutive meetings without an excuse acceptable to the Board, his/her place may be declared vacant by the President. If any member of the Board of Directors shall absent himself/herself from two consecutive excused meetings, the executive committee will evaluate his/her standing on the board.
ARTICLE VII – AMENDMENTS: This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board, provided that a written notice of proposed amendments be read and filed with the Secretary at a previous regular meeting of the Board.
ARTICLE VIII – PROVISION FOR THE ADOPTION OF THIS CONSTITUTION: This constitution shall be adopted and the organization made effective by twenty-eight members. The business of the Society shall be managed by the Board of Directors. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board and appoint all committees and call special meetings when in his/her judgment it is necessary, or at the written request of five or more members. The Vice-President shall assist the President in performance of duties, and officiate in his/her absence. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep accurately a permanent record of all proceedings of the Society. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep a strict account of all expenses paid, deposits, and petty cash used during fair. It shall be the duty of all members of the board to issue and initial premium vouchers, for payment by the Senior Fair Board, except members cannot issue and initial their own premium vouchers. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and three other members of the Board, appointed by the President and Junior Fair Board Leadership. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to act in the capacity of the Board in such cases as may expedite the business of the Board during the week of the fair and other business as may be directed by the majority of the Board.
BYLAWS: The Board of Directors shall hold at least three meetings in addition to the Annual Meeting (TBD at the discretion of the Executive Committee). Forty percent of the members shall constitute a quorum. Members shall receive one week’s notice of meeting. Classification of departments for exhibits shall be under the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee, subject to approval of the Board.