General Rules and Regulations
2022 Fair DatesDay before Fair starts: Saturday, July 23/ First day of Fair: Sunday, July 24
Last day of Fair: Saturday, July 30 / Day after Fair ends: Sunday, July 31
• May 15: Jr. Fair Entry Forms must be submitted to the OSU Extension Office in Shelby County by 4:30 p.m.
• The Shelby County Junior and Senior Fair Board are not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
• All decisions of the Senior Fair Board, Junior Fair Board, and the Sale Committee are final.
• Unless otherwise noted in this booklet, forms/rules/procedures can be found on the Shelby County Extension,
website at (Call the Extension Office at 937-498-7239 if you have any questions.)
a. To be eligible to participate in any Junior Fair shows, project judging, or special activities at the Shelby County Fair, a boy or girl must be a current member in good standing of a Shelby County 4-H club, FFA chapter or Girl Scout troop.
b. Exhibitors, unless otherwise noted, must be between the ages of 8 and 19 years. An exhibitor is eligible when he or she reaches the age of at least 8 years and is enrolled in 3rd grade as of January 1 of the same year in which an entry is made at the Shelby County Fair. The year in which an exhibitor reaches the age of 19 years as of December 31 will be the final year the exhibitor will be eligible to enter the Shelby County Fair.
c. Enrolled 4-H Cloverbud members age 5 and in kindergarten until age 8 and in 3rd grade may participate in the Cloverbud Sharing Activity. Cloverbud members may not participate in Junior Fair sponsored competitive activities or work directly with large animals in any Junior Fair sponsored show or event.
d. All programs and events of the Shelby County Junior Fair are open to all potential exhibitors on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disability.
e. FFA and Girl Scout members must meet their respective organizations’ enrollment deadlines and membership requirements. Girl Scouts must follow entry procedures as outlined in Department Five – Girl Scouts.
f. When choosing projects and entries based on age; all ages are based on the exhibitor’s age as of January 1. It is acceptable to move up an age class, if desired.
g. An eligible youth must exhibit in the Junior Fair to receive a Junior Fair pass. Photos for Junior Fair passes may be taken at the Senior Fair Office (call ahead for an appointment) or club/chapter pictures may be submitted on a CD/USB and turned into the Extension Office by May 15. The Fair will issue only one pass per exhibitor. If Junior Fair exhibitors lose their pass, they will have to pay a replacement fee of $25 to get a new one. Passes will also be issued to 4-H Cloverbuds entered in the Cloverbud Sharing Day during Fair. Passes for advisors of 4-H clubs will be provided based on club size: 5-30 members = 2; 31-50 members = 3; 51-70 members = 4; 71-90 members = 5; 91-110 members = 6; 111+ members = 7. Passes for additional advisors must be purchased.
a. To be valid, each entry form must be approved and signed by an advisor. Exhibitors who are not in good standing in their local youth organization may not be allowed to exhibit upon recommendation of their advisor
b. There will be no entry fee for any Junior Fair exhibit.
c. NO LATE ENTRIES ARE PERMITTED. Entries may be changed within a class, but such changes may carry a penalty. For example, an exhibitor with a creative arts entry in subclass A could change the entry to subclass C, but s/he could not add an entire new project or class. Any changes to subclass entries must be made by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday in July by contacting OSU Extension Shelby County. Penalties for making an entry change may include a reduction in premium or loss of consideration for rosettes and special awards.
d. SCRATCHES: If an exhibitor decides to no longer enter any class or subclass they originally listed on their entry form, they MUST fill out and submit a Junior Fair Scratch Form. Scratch forms must be turned in to the Shelby County Extension Office by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday in July. Failure to properly report scratches may result in a fine, a reduction in premium, or loss of consideration for rosettes and special awards.
e. Separate entries must be submitted to OSU Extension Shelby County by May 15 for Special Events as noted in Department Six, including Modeling, Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks. Entries for 4-H Club Booths must also be made by May 15, but space is awarded on a first-come, first served basis. Early entry is encouraged.
a. Both animal and still exhibits must remain on the fairgrounds in their designated areas until the official release times. Any exhibitor removing his/her entries before the official release time without prior permission from the Junior Fair Board will be barred from exhibition for the next year.
b. To request late arrival or early release of any project or exhibit, a Junior Fair Early Release Forms must be submitted to the Shelby County Extension Office by the second Friday in July. Requests will be considered by the Junior Fair Board and exhibitors will be notified of the decision of the Board. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate emergency requests made in writing after the deadline on a case-by-case basis. Include as many details as possible in all written requests.
c. If approved, a copy of the Early Release Form with the Department Superintendent’s signature will be returned to the exhibitor; this copy will serve as a gate pass for the project to exit the grounds. No animal or still exhibit should be removed from the fairgrounds without an approved Early Release Form.
d. Only the animal(s) being exhibited at OSF and any animal of the same species will be approved for Early Release.
e. At the discretion of the Junior Fair Board Executive Committee and in consideration of the number of projects and space available, projects may be released directly after judging. If necessary, an announcement will be made.
a. Animal and still exhibits will be evaluated by a judge and will be graded either pass or fail. Ribbons and premiums will be awarded accordingly. “A” premiums (for a passing grade) are $3.00. Exhibitors will receive a premium voucher at the time of judging; the exhibitor or his/her parent or advisor must take vouchers (and the
exhibitor’s fair pass) to the Senior Fair Secretary’s Office during posted banking hours to receive cash premium payments. Vouchers must be cashed by 9:00 p.m. on the last day of the Fair, or they will be void.
b. Still exhibits must receive an “A” ribbon and premium and be accompanied by a completed project record book (unless otherwise noted) to be eligible for consideration for Outstanding of the Day, Honorable Mention, or Best of Class rosettes, other special awards or recognition, or to qualify to compete in the Ohio State Fair.
c. If there are fewer than five exhibits in a class or subclass a Best of Class, Outstanding of the Day, or Honorable Mention rosette may be given at the judge’s discretion to an exhibit receiving an “A” ribbon and premium. Even if there are fewer than five exhibits in a show for a sponsored award, that award must be presented at the fair.
d. All 4-H exhibitors must be present during judging of their still projects in order to receive a premium, ribbon, or special award unless prior arrangements are made. To make arrangements, contact Shelby County Extension.
e. No judge is permitted to change any award after the premium ribbon or card has been attached unless a mistake has been made in placing the ribbon or card.
f. Junior Fair judges’ names will be posted on the OSU Extension Shelby County webpage ( on the first Friday in July at 4:30 p.m. and no sooner.
a. There will be a curfew during fair of 11:30 p.m. for Junior Fair exhibitors. A parent/guardian must be present in the campers in order for Junior Fair exhibitors to camp on site during the Fair. Junior Fair Board members may be exempt from the curfew as necessary to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.
b. All Junior Fair exhibitors will conduct themselves in an orderly manner during the Fair. Any exhibitor found guilty of disorderly conduct by the Executive Committee of the Junior Fair Board will be declared ineligible to compete, and all premiums and special awards will be forfeited.
c. Parents/guardians and other family members of exhibitors shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner during the Fair. Any parent found guilty of disorderly conduct by the Executive Committee of the Junior Fair Board shall be removed from the fairgrounds.
d. No one except exhibitors, Junior & Senior Fair Board members, the Junior Fair Board Director and Department Leaders and the judge are permitted in the show area during judging, unless given explicit permission in advance.
e. The Junior Fair Board has the right to bar any youth from exhibition for violation of the rules, intents, and purposes of the Shelby County Junior Fair. Situations will be considered on an individual basis and penalties assessed by 2/3 majority vote of the membership, subject to the review of the Shelby Co. Agricultural Society.
f. All penalties imposed on youth exhibitors by other Junior Shows will be completed before an exhibitor may exhibit at the Shelby County Junior Fair. For example, if another county bars an exhibitor from their show for one year, that exhibitor may not exhibit in Shelby County for one year.
a. Any Call for Immediate Action of the Junior Fair Board and/or any Appeal of a decision of the Board must be submitted in writing and filed at the Junior Fair Board Headquarters by noon of the day following the incident being challenged. Oral complaints, protests, calls for action, suggestions, and/or appeals will not be accepted. Forms for submitting a “Call for Immediate Action” or “Appeal” are available at the Junior Fair Headquarters, or a personal letter may be submitted.
b. A written Call for Immediate Action or Appeal must be accompanied by a $100.00 cash deposit, which will be forfeited by the complainant if the Junior Fair Board or its Executive Committee does not take the desired action or overturn the decision that is being appealed.
c. The Junior Fair Board president will be notified immediately when a written “Call for Immediate Action” or “Appeal” has been submitted and the $100.00 deposit has been paid. S/he will call for an immediate meeting of the Junior Fair Board Executive Committee and at least one Senior Fair Board representative from the Junior Fair Board Advisory Committee.
d. The Executive Committee will meet with the superintendent(s) of the department involved and will either decide on the issue or vote to hold a meeting of the entire Junior Fair Board to make the final decision and/or recommendation.
e. The parties submitting the Call for Immediate Action or Appeal will be given a specific time to return to Junior Fair Headquarters to receive the final decision, OR they will be contacted immediately after the decision is made to establish a meeting time to hear the final decision.
f. Decisions on Calls for Immediate Action or Appeals are final.
g. All other decisions made by the Junior Fair Board or its Executive Committee at any point during the year, with the exception of decisions made concerning Calls for Immediate Action and Appeals, may be appealed, using the procedure outlined above.
h. Appeals of Junior Fair Board decisions must be submitted as soon as possible following the announcement of the decision and prior to any judging related to the appeal. Appeals will not be accepted during or after the Junior and Senior Fair judging or after exhibits are dismissed.
a. Suggestions for changing rules, regulations, deadlines, operating procedures, awards, etc. for the following year’s Fair must be submitted in writing before December 1st of the current year. Suggestion forms are available in the Junior Fair Headquarters or on the Extension website, or suggestions may be included in a personal letter or email message to the OSU Extension Office.
Still Projects and Pre-Fair Judging
1. All club booths and still exhibits must be completed and in place by 12 p.m. on the first day of the Fair. They must be kept in place until 7:00 p.m. on the last day of the fair. Clubs are encouraged to complete their booth set up during the week of pre-fair judging
2. For the Style Revue, projects may be removed but must be returned to the display immediately after the conclusion of the event.
3. Woodworking projects are accepted in the Youth Building on the Fairgrounds from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. on the day before judging and 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. on judging day.
4. FFA Shop and Crop projects are accepted in the FFA Building from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on the day before the Fair starts. All except perishable exhibits must remain in place until 7:00 p.m. on the last day of the fair unless otherwise communicated.
5. State Fair qualifiers may choose whether or not to display the actual project in their club booth. Representation of the project in the club booth is highly encouraged.
6. Pre-Fair Judging will take place on the Monday through Friday before the first day of the fair. Reference page two for exact days and times.
7. Exhibitors will be notified of specific judging times for each project no later than July 1.
8. Exhibitors MUST be present at the time of judging.
9. Spectators, including family members and friends, will not be permitted in the judging area.
10. Unless otherwise indicated: JUNIOR = AGES 8-13 / SENIOR = AGES 14-18 / Ages as of January 1
11. Still exhibits must receive an “A” ribbon and premium and be accompanied by a completed project record book (unless otherwise noted) and a completed copy of the current year’s Shelby County 4-H Annual Project Update (if repeating the same project for the second or more year) to be eligible for consideration for Outstanding of the Day, Honorable Mention, Best of Class rosettes, other awards, or to qualify to compete in the Ohio State Fair.
12. Exhibitors should consult with their advisors concerning exhibit requirements for all classes. Specific instructions for exhibits in each class and subclass can be viewed at
13. AWARDS: Each entry that is properly completed and follows project guidelines will receive a ribbon and premium for participation. Judges may award Outstanding of the Day rosettes to 10% of the exhibitors in each class or subclass (depending on the department) with five or more exhibitors. An additional 10% of exhibitors in each class or subclass (depending on the department) with five of more exhibitors may receive Honorable Mention rosettes. In classes or subclasses with fewer than five participants, one Outstanding of the Day and one Honorable Mention may be awarded at the judges’ discretion. As determined by Ohio State Fair guidelines, one or more exhibitors in each eligible subclass or class will qualify to compete at the Ohio State Fair and will receive an Ohio State Fair Qualifier rosette. Judges will then select one Best of Class rosette winner from the State Fair qualifiers in each class (classes must have a minimum of two State Fair qualifiers to award a Best of Class). Special awards, subject to sponsorship, may also be given out for specific classes and/or project areas.
14. All guidelines for State Fair participation can be found at